Courtesy of our wonderful EG Chamber Members!
Eager to bring one of our Education by Entertainment TV game show style programssuch as Mind Games to your end-of-year, beginning-of-year, December birthday or holiday celebration!The programs are designed to show people more about how they think so they can be safer, more productive and better communicators.They are also a TON of FUN, perfect for business, school and social events!!!
Let us know how we can be of support to you.Click Here To Visit The Website
We’re excited to offer a free trial of our Short and Medium monthly memberships this holiday season!These memberships are perfect for keeping up with your projects year-round and come with exclusive benefits, like snow removal!
If you’re interested, sign up below for a free month with no commitment required!
East Greenwich Chamber of Commerce
580 Main Street
East Greenwich, RI 02818
It is the policy of the East Greenwich Chamber of Commerce not to issue refunds for memberhsip dues or event fees.