Churches & Synagogues
Christ Church
Evangelical Covenant
Christ Church is located at 1025 Main Street at the corner of Post Road and Cedar Avenue in East Greenwich, RI. Christ Church seeks to be a place where anyone can “come as you are!” and learn what it means to love God and love others in community, with authentic worship, relevant teaching and compassionate outreach.
There are six worship opportunities each week. On Sunday mornings there are three identical services in the main sanctuary at 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30am. In an effort to expand opportunities for worship, Christ Church is also meeting in North Kingstown at North Kingstown High School at 10:00am. Nursery and pre-school care are offered during every service and Christian education classes for children in kindergarten through high school are offered during the 10:00am service at both locations. Adult education classes are offered at various times. Please check our website or call the church office for specific times and offerings.
Sanctuary, Sunday evenings at 6:30pm, is a service designed for the emerging generation, experiencing worship through teaching, music, spoken word and creative arts.
Tuesday evening worship, 7:00pm, is a service of worship, Communion and prayer.
Our Children’s Ministry program is designed to bring children from birth through grade 6 to an understanding of their relationship to Christ and their place in God’s Kingdom. XL Student Ministries offers Sunday and weekday programs for Junior and Senior High students. Deeper is the large group and discussion night on Wednesdays, 6:15 – 8:30pm that discusses topics relevant to today’s teens.
Christ Church offers numerous small and large group Bible study and fellowship opportunities on a regular basis for both men and women. It is also home of the Alpha course (a basic introduction to the Christian faith), Addiction Recovery, Grief Support, plus many local and global outreach ministries.
For more information about these and other ministries, call 884-8632 or visit the website at www.christchurchec.org.
The First Baptist Church is a welcoming community of faith that enjoys being together in worship and in a wide variety of study and fellowship opportunities. Among these opportunities are: a dynamic Sunday School, youth programs, service projects, Bible Studies and the Fellowship Café – an after worship fellowship gathering. There is also an extensive spiritual ministry for older adults.
Affiliated with the American Baptist Churches, USA, First Baptist is a living expression of the historic Baptist Tradition of “soul freedom”, where a variety of biblical understandings are valued and shared. Worship is focused on biblical preaching with a contemporary application and enhanced by a variety of musical expressions.
First Baptist is located at the corner of Peirce and Montrose streets. Worship and announcements begin at 9:40am. Sunday School also begins at 9:40am.
For more information please call 884-2322.
Frenchtown Baptist Church. Frenchtown Baptist Church, a welcoming church amid the community of East Greenwich, is located at 1359 Frenchtown Road, 1 mile west of Route 2. Sunday Morning Bible Classes (preschool-adult) are held from 9:00-10:00, Sunday Morning Worship begins at 10:30. Nursery care is available during class and worship time. Other worship and prayer meetings occur on select Sunday and Wednesday evenings. Also meeting throughout the year are Ladies’ Bible Study, Men’s Group, and other various times of studying together. AWANA, a time of Bible learning and fun for children in preschool through 6th grade, meets at Frenchtown on Fridays 7:00-8:30 pm. Please contact us for more information or to meet in person; we look forward to having you as a part of the Frenchtown family. Pastor Emmanuel Bautista, or the office, can be contacted at (401) 884-2546, office@frenchtownchurch.org, or at www.FrenchtownChurch.org.
'Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.” Matthew 7:6-8 (NIV)
“To worship and serve God as we reflect and pass on the light of Christ”
At St. Luke’s Episcopal Church all are welcome to help fulfill the current mission of this church, founded in 1834 and going strong in the 21st century! Located at the corner of Church & Peirce Streets, Sunday services are at 8 and 10 am. Tuesday Healing Service is at 12 noon and Wednesday Eucharist is at 7 am, (September through June).
Our Church School program on Sunday features a nursery which welcomes children at both the 8 and 10 am services. The church school classes for grades 3-6 meet at 9 am. Younger children from preschool through 2nd grade meet at 10 am. Our program for teens, Journey to Adulthood, includes three youth groups from grades 7-12 which meet at 9am. All church school classes listed here are on Sunday mornings.
St. Luke’s also offers a music program featuring Angel Choir for ages 4-6, St. Cecilia Choir for ages 7-13, St. Nicholas Choir for ages 14-16 and Canterbury Choir for anyone 16 and older! The Jubilate Ringers are a handbell choir who perform frequently in the community. The music program is associated with the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) and offers this comprehensive achievement program for all choirs. Our choirs participate in traditional English Evensong, Hymn Festivals, concerts, youth cantatas and Sunday worship.
St. Luke’s is also home to many community outreach groups, including the East Greenwich Senior Services, The Music School of the RI Philharmonic, Music on the Hill Concert Series and numerous recovery and support groups.
The Rector is the Rev. R. Craig Burlington and the Curate is the Rev. Dennis Bacco. For more information on any of the worship services or programs listed above, call (401) 884-4116. Please visit us online at www.stlukeseg.org .
First Ev. Lutheran Church is located at 124 Division St., on the corner of Division and Brayton Streets. Saturday evening Worship is at 5:00 pm and Sunday morning Worship Services are at 8 am and 10 am. Sunday School for all ages is at 9:00 am. Holy Communion is celebrated at all services. Nursery care is available at our 9 am service, Sunday School begins at 10:15 am. Confirmation Class, Adult Bible Studies, Youth, Adult and Bell Choirs are available. 'Clothed In Christ' a community thrift outlet is located in our Parish House. Rev. Linda R. Forsberg, Pastor; Philip Martorella, Minister of Music; Brad Logan, Choir Director. For more information call the church office located at 118 Division St. 401-884-5572, fax 401-884-3922 or visit our website at firstlutheraneg.org .
Roman Catholic
Our Lady of Mercy Parish, founded in 1853, is located on Fourth Avenue. The weekend Mass schedule is Saturday afternoon at 4:00 (EST) 5:00 (DST) and Sunday morning at 7:30, 9:00 and 10:30. Children’s Liturgy of the Word (ages 3-7) is celebrated during the 9:00 am Mass each week. Weekday Mass is celebrated Monday-Friday at 7:30 am and Saturday at 8:30 am. The schedule for Holy Days and special services is listed in the weekly bulletin. For information on parish programs call 884-4968. Reverend John W. Lolio is Pastor.
Our Lady of Mercy parish operates Our Lady of Mercy School for children in grades k-8 and New Discoveries Early Childhood Center for children ages 4-5. For information call 884-1618. Sr. Jeanne Barry, RSM is Principal.
Our Lady of Mercy Religious Education Coordinators are Mrs. Michele St. Jean and Sr. Rose Iapaola, M.P.F. For information call 884-1061.
Outreach Service Director is Mr. Douglas Green. For information call 884-4410.
Temple Am David – Member Congregation of United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism USCJ, is located at 40 Gardiner Street in nearby Warwick Richard E. Perlman Spiritual Leader / Education Director. Call the Temple office 463-7944 or visit our website www.templeamdavid.org. Temple Am David is a full service Conservative Synagogue, offering programs for all ages.
Temple Torat Yisrael is a full service Conservative Temple located at 330 Park Avenue, Cranston, RI 02905. They recently purchased land on Middle Road in East Greenwich and will be offering religious and educational services on that site. For more information please contact the synagogue in Cranston at 785-1800. Rabbi Amy Levin and Cantor Katy Claussen can also be reached at that number. The religious and education director, Ronni Guttin, can be reached at 785-1890.
Temple Sinai is a Reform synagogue in Cranston, located at 30 Hagen Avenue. For information please call the Temple office at 401-942-8350. Rabbi Peter Stein and Cantor Remmie Brown can also be reached at that number. Temple Sinai has a welcoming, accepting and diverse membership, an award winning religious school with Hebrew beginning in third grade, Adult education classes, social action, speakers, choir and more. www.templesinairi.org
United Methodist
The East Greenwich United Methodist Church is located at 1558 South County Trail. We have two different worship services each Sunday. Both services are held in the sanctuary. Our 8:30 A.M. service is a traditional service, featuring the Chancel Choir. At 10:00 A.M. we have a contemporary worship service. Our Praise Choir, “Heaven Sent,” leads worship under the leadership of Kim Wertz, our Director of Music. Children are invited to attend Sunday School after the Children’s Moment with Carol Reale, our Director of Christian Education. Childcare for infants and toddlers is also available. Adult Bible Studies and classes meet on Sundays at 9:00 and 9:30 a.m.
All God’s Children Story Time, for toddlers and moms, meets Mondays at 9:30 a.m. Men’s Bible Study meets Tuesday mornings at 6:00 a.m. Women’s Bible Study meets Wednesdays at 12:30 p.m. Other classes are offered through the year. United Methodist Youth Fellowship meets Sunday evenings, adult and youth choirs meet weekly.
The church sponsors the Barbara M. Tufts Cooperative Pre-school, now in its 42nd year. (Call Janet Joyce at 885-2132.)
For further information call 884-4221 or visit us on the web at egumc.com. Reverend Dr. William C. Trench, Senior Pastor.
Westminster Unitarian Church
Westminster Unitarian Church, located at 119 Kenyon Avenue, is a diverse community of 260 adults and children who support the individual search for truth and meaning, who celebrate the inherent worth and dignity of each person, and who seek to live out our values in the larger world. We study the wisdom of the world’s great faith traditions and honor the cycle of life. Worship services are held each Sunday at 9 and 11, followed by friendly coffee hour. We have a vibrant cooperative religious education program that meets during both services. Nursery care for the youngest is offered as well. We invite you to visit our website at www.westminsteruu.org or call the church at 401-884-5933 for more information or to speak to the Minister, Reverend Barbara Fast.
East Greenwich Chamber of Commerce
580 Main Street
East Greenwich, RI 02818
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