Business, Civic, Religious & Social Organizations
IRS / AARP Tax Counseling for the Elderly. Free tax assistance for the elderly and low income individuals is available from the first week in February until April 15th on each Tuesday from 9:00 am to noon at the East Greenwich Police Department Community Room on First Avenue. Appointments are required. Please call 886-8669, Ext 1 Volunteers are trained by the Internal Revenue Service and the State of Rhode Island Tax Division. For more information on additional sites for this free tax service, please call 884-8654.
American Association of University Women (A.A.U.W.)
The Warwick-West-Bay Branch of AAUW welcomes any woman or man with a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college.
Their goals include continuing education and information on timely topics as well as support of the arts and involvement in the community and pertinent legislation.
From September through May meetings are held at 7:00 pm on the 2nd Thursday of each month in the Doctor’s Auditorium of Kent Hospital.
American Legion
The American Legion is a veteran’s organization chartered by the United States Congress. Local Post 15, located at 1016 Main Street, sponsors Girls and Boys State, social welfare and athletic programs for children, fund drives for scholarships and provides rehabilitation services to veterans and their families. It is also responsible for the Town’s celebration of Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day.
Meetings are held the first Monday of every month. For more information call 884-0000 or write P.O. Box 181, East Greenwich, RI 02818.
Animal Protection League
The East Greenwich Animal Protection League, Inc. (EGAPL) is a nonprofit organization of volunteers concerned with the rescue and humane treatment of animals. It is the animal shelter for the town, which has no animal pound. The League houses animals available for adoption at the Greenwich Bay Animal Hospital, 5732 Post Road, and runs “Adopt-a-Pet” open houses there on Sundays from 10:30a.m. to 1:00p.m.
With a budget of $125,000 a year and only $25,000 provided by the town, the League conducts various fundraising events throughout the year to offset the cost of medical care, spaying/neutering and housing of the animals until adopted. The organization is staffed totally by volunteers, and the meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00p.m. in the Community Room of the E.G. Police Station. Volunteers are welcome!
For more information, call 885-1158 or write to P.O. Box 184, East Greenwich, RI 02818. The website is www.egapl.org and the e-mail address is eganimals@cox.net.
Christian Women’s Club – Women’s Connection
The West Bay Christian Women’s Club is a non-denominational women’s club that meets for lunch every second Thursday from 12:00 – 2:00 pm at Chiantis at 195 Forge Road A special feature of interest to women is presented at each meeting. A free nursery is available. All are welcome. For reservations or more information call 884-6656.
Cindy-Wood Garden Club
The Cindy-Wood Garden Club, a member of the Rhode Island Federation of Garden Clubs, has as its objectives learning more about gardening, encouragement of home and community beautification, promoting better horticultural practices and supporting all forms of conservation.
Members meet the third Tuesday of each month from September through June. Programs include planning and related craft demonstrations, speakers and field trips.
The club planted and tends the colonial garden of perennials at the Old Jail, where many meetings are held. Holiday decorations are made for the Elizabeth Buffam Chase House. Gifts are also collected for residents of this place of refuge for women and children. An ongoing project is the annual contribution of new books for the garden section of the East Greenwich Free Library. For further membership information contact club president Cynthia Perry, 65 Adirondak Dr., East Greenwich, RI 02818 .
Democratic Town Committee
The East Greenwich Democratic Town Committee was organized to further the goals of the local Democratic Party. The Committee sponsors guest speakers and programs to increase knowledge of events at local and state levels. The Chair is Tom Plunkett, 10 Pricewood Drive, East Greenwich, RI 02818
Eastern Star
The purpose of the Order of Eastern Star is to inspire members to think and act in good character, while living lives of truth, charity, loyalty and kindness. These qualities are brought forth through charitable deeds, mutual support and cheerful companionship.
Funds are raised annually within the membership for numerous projects, such as: Shriner’s Hospitals for Crippled Children, Cancer Research, Arthritis Fund, Heart Fund, Knights Templar Eye Foundation, etc.
Eastern Star is the largest Fraternal organization in the world to which both men and women may belong. Women over the age of 18, with Masonic Affiliations and Master Masons may apply for membership.
Adah Chapter # 15 is the local Eastern Start Chapter, which meets at 7:30 pm every third Monday at the Westminster Unitarian Church, 119 Kenyon Ave.
For more information contact Crystal C. Bradshaw at 885-5704.
East Greenwich Citizens Who Care
This nonprofit organization was formed in 1983. The goal is to build a strong network of parents and citizens to construct resources to combat drug and alcohol use in teenagers, to build self-esteem and to promote wellness.
To accomplish this several things are needed:
1. Educate parents about the symptoms and effects of substance abuse and the laws governing such abuse.
2. Support school curricula that will provide early drug education, decision-making skills and build self-esteem.
3. Encourage parents to follow uniform guidelines regarding parties, curfews, etc.
4. Initiate a total community effort to address the problem and promote wellness.
5. Provide activities for teens.
6. Be a supportive resource for parents to help find appropriate agencies and information when they suspect substance abuse in their children or are dealing with other health/wellness issues.
New members are always welcome. Meetings are held the third Thursday of the
month. For more information call 884-3376 or 885-9483 or write P.O. Box 1146, East Greenwich, RI 02818.
East Greenwich-Cowesett New Neighbors Club
A not-for-profit social organization whose purpose is to aid new residents in becoming acquainted with the community and their new neighborhood. Meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month (September through November and January through May) at the East Greenwich United Methodist Church, 1558 South County trail (Route 2, south of the Dave’s Plaza). The meeting time is 9:30-11:00 am. The November meeting time is 7:00 – 8:30 pm. The December and June meetings are held at a different time and location. Membership is open to all new residents of the East Greenwich – Cowesett area. For more information contact our membership vice-presidents, Michelle Clark 401-523-8522 and Kristin Wheeler 309-339-0357.
East Greenwich Leisure Learning
East Greenwich Leisure Learning offers education, entertainment and socializing for adults of all ages. Membership is open to all interested adults, regardless of residency. However total membership is limited by space capacity (158).
The annual program consists of 2 separate 6 week series. A spring series of six consecutive Thursday meetings, beginning in April, and a second six week series beginning in October. Each series features 12 different speakers (2 per day) covering a great variety of topics, with a Q. and A. period following. Morning sessions run from 10:30 to 11:45. Afternoon sessions are from 12:45 until 2:00 pm. Lunch is “brown bag”, (beverage not provided).
Programs are held at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church Parish House on Peirce Street. For more information call 828-5712. Cost of each series is $15.00
East Greenwich Sunshine
East Greenwich Sunshine (formerly a branch of International Sunshine Society) is a service organization dedicated to helping others. We lend hospital equipment to those in need. (Call 884-5929) We also help support a group home, donate lap robes to the V.A. Hospital and give to many other charities.
Meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month at the First Baptist Church House on Peirce Street. New members are always welcome. For further information call 885-1432.
East Greenwich-Warwick Garden Club
The East Greenwich – Warwick Garden Club is a member of the Rhode Island Federation of Garden Clubs. It is dedicated to stimulating interest in gardening, civic improvement, community involvement and the conservation of natural resources.
The club has a long and proud history, having recently celebrated its 80th anniversary.
Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month at 1:00 p.m. at various locations in the area.. Programs include speakers, demonstrations, field trips and workshops. New members and guests are cordially invited. For more information please call Carol Plemmons, President at 295-5666.
Golden Ages Club
Golden Ages club meetings are held at 1:00 p.m. in Swift Gym in East Greenwich on the first and third Wednesday of the month. No meetings are held in July or August. Special luncheons begin at noon. The club is extremely active, sponsoring bus tours, theatre parties, entertainment and coffee hours with refreshments.
Membership is open to persons 55 and older living in East Greenwich, Warwick, West Warwick, Coventry and North Kingstown. For information call Jo DeVoll at 884-0196
Greenwich Bay Women’s Club
The Greenwich Bay women’s Club is a civic organization based in East Greenwich, now celebrating our 42nd year. Our goal is community service through monetary distributions and “in-kind” donations. We hold various fundraisers throughout the year, noteably our Novemberfest Artisan Fair in the Fall and Clown Town in the Spring. Additionally, our club awards scholarships to area residents who have shown a commitment to community service. We donate our finds to many charities, including the Barbara Tufts PreSchool, Friends Way, Bayside Family Health, the EG Ecumenical Food Cupboard as well as directly helping local families in need.
We welcome all women from the West Bay to join. Visit our website, www.gbwc.org for more information, or call Camille Speca at 886-4746. THINK GLOBALLY, ACT LOCALLY; you can make a difference in our community.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows
Located at 900 Main Street, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows is a family fraternity, striving to make the world a better place in which to live.
Our motto is Friendship, Love and Truth. Our objective is to improve and elevate the character of mankind. The creed is to relieve the distress, visit the sick, bury the dead and educate the orphans.
The meetings of Odd Fellows are held on the first and third Wednesdays and the second and fourth Thursdays of the month. The meetings of Rebeccas are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month. For information call 295-8103 or 615-8888.
Italo-American Women’s Club
Meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of each month at the Rocky Hill Grange Hall, 1340 South County Trail. The Club objectives are: fostering a better understanding between women of Italian descent and all other nationalities, to preserve the Italian heritage and to help sponsor community functions. For more information call Lucy Greene at 884—8736.
League of Women Voters of West Bay
Real men--and women, of all ages--belong to the League of Women Voters. Our name? It honors our suffragist forebears and denotes America's most trusted civic organization. Founded nationally and in RI in 1919 when the 19th Amendment acknowledged all adult citizens' right to vote, we say vote well--not necessarily for a party or candidate but having considered community issues impartially and in depth. Founded locally in 1949, RI's West Bay League of Women Voters--one of 850 affiliates nationwide--serves Cranston, Warwick, East Greenwich, North Kingstown, Exeter, West Warwick and Coventry.
We educate voters via non-partisan public issue and candidate forums, and advocate not for people but for positions we've studied and come to consensus on that advance principles we uphold such as
--open and accountable government;
--equitable taxation to support free public education;
--a sound economy that fulfills basic needs such as food, health care and affordable housing;
--energy conservation and
--international cooperation to promote world peace.
And we enjoy understanding one another's diverse opinions!
For more information, contact local League president Marie Hennedy at 884-3976 or mariehennedy@verizon.net.
Lions Club
The East Greenwich Lions Club, a chapter of Lions International, is composed of men and women over 21 years old who are dedicated to community service. As sight conservation is one of the major activities of the club, they provide eye-screening services, help local citizens with financial aid for their visual impairment needs and provide glasses for the needy. The Lions have a used Eyeglass Collection Box at the East Greenwich Post Office to which over 10,000 pairs of eyeglasses have been donated during the last seven years.
The Lions also financially support “Camp Mauchatea” an overnight summer camp for visually impaired children under the age of 18, and the R.I. Lions Children with Cancer Fund.
Lions are active with local community support projects for those in need, giving assistance through food baskets during the holidays and donations to the Community Food Bank.
The club sponsors the annual Hill and Harbour 5K Road Race, a premier road race held in East Greenwich for over 18 years and an annual Camp Mauchatea Golf Tournament each summer.
The club encourages persons over 21 to join our chapter and give a few hours of time each month to help those in the community in need. Meetings are held monthly from September through May. For more information or for meeting information contact Dr. Steven M. Basler 884-8919 or write to P.O. Box 623, East Greenwich, RI 02818.
Narragansett Bay Quilter’s Association
This state-wide group is open to anyone interested in quilts and quilt making. The purpose is to revive the art of quilting and provide an opportunity for learning and sharing of ideas. They sponsor a show every two years.
Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month from September to May (with the exception of December) at the Masonic Temple, 75 Division Street in East Greenwich. For membership information write: P.O. Box 614, East Greenwich, RI 02818.
Republican Town Committee
The purpose of the Republican Town Committee is to promote good government and elect Republican candidates for local town offices. Membership is open to all Republicans of voting age.
For information write Steve Gregson, 175 Shady Hill Drive, East Greenwich, RI 02818.
Rocky Hill Grange
Rocky Hill Grange is a community service family organization serving the town of East Greenwich, located on 1340 South County Trail (Route 2). The Grange holds regular meetings on the first or third Thursdays of each month starting at 7:30 pm. The Grange Hall is handicapped accessible.
Rocky Hill Grange has had the following groups that have been renting the Hall for the last 15-20 years. Monday & Thursday nights – Tia Chi – Ray McKenna 884-8864. The Key Dog Club meets every Tuesday - for information call Dottie at 556-3318. Fourth Thursday night of the month – RI Contractors – Judy – 828-7097. The Presbyterian Unitarian Church meets every Sunday. For information call Arthur at 739-1699. Second Sunday of the month – Lil Rhody Model A Club – Pat Howard 294-2268 and Domenic Mosca Jr. 295-5323. For private rentals on Friday nights call 738-3407. In April and May the Telephone Company rents the hall for distribution of Providence phone books.
For information about the hall contact Nancy Sheldon, 3070 West Shore Road, Apt. J1, Warwick, RI 02886.
Rotary Club
Rotary is an organization of business and professional leaders, men and women, who are concerned with community service, encouraging high ethical standards in all vocations, working towards world peace and understanding, and who enjoy the fellowship generated through such service.
The Club promotes and is involved in may charitable and civic projects, provides for over 40 charitable organizations, gives scholarships worth $17,500 to East Greenwich students and provides to the community, free of charge, the East Greenwich telephone directory.
The club is part of Rotary International, which consists of more than 32,000 clubs in 162 countries.
Meetings are held each Wednesday at 12:15 pm at the Post Office Café at 11 Main Street.. For more information write P.O. Box 222, East Greenwich or call 885-4650.
Veterans of Foreign Wars
The Robert L. Hoover Memorial Post 8018, Veterans of Foreign Wars, meets at the Post Home, 2608 South County Trail, at 7:30 pm on the second Monday of each month. Qualified new members are welcome to attend.
East Greenwich Chamber of Commerce
580 Main Street
East Greenwich, RI 02818
It is the policy of the East Greenwich Chamber of Commerce not to issue refunds for memberhsip dues or event fees.